Resolve Google Lighthouse Audit "does not provide fallback content" with GatsbyJS

Kevin Firko

Google’s Lighthouse Audit Tool is great for evaluating the performance of a site and for confirming just how awesome static sites created with GatsbyJS + React can be.

A common point reduction seen by Gatsby developers is: Does not provide fallback content when JavaScript is not available, with the description: “The page body should render some content if its scripts are not available”.

This post is here to help you resolve that and get one step closer to a perfect score.

The audit requirement

Google explains: “Your app should display some content when JavaScript is disabled, even if it’s just a warning to the user that JavaScript is required to use the app”.

One might think that React Helmet offers a potential solution, however it’s not applicable in this case. Helmet is specifically a document head manager and even though <noscript> tags are valid inside a document head, the audit rule specifically refers to the page body.

Adding tags to the page body above Components injected by Gatsby

Copy html.js from .cache/default-html.js in your Gatsby project folder to your src/ folder, renaming it to html.js:

cp .cache/default-html.js src/html.js

html.js will now take precendence over Gatsby’s boilerplate version.

Open html.js. Between {this.props.preBodyComponents} and before the <div> that contains Gatsby’s body components, you can insert a tag such as:

<noscript>This website requires JavaScript. To contact us, please send us an email at: <a href=""></a></noscript>

Voila, one more checkbox on your Lighthouse audit results!

For more information about html.js see: